PMRP presents the video of our live show from the convention Arisia 2011 – Doctor Who and the Starship of Madness, written and directed by the same author as The Mask of Inanna:
Arisia 2011-Dr. Who: The Starship of Madness from sydweinstein on Vimeo.
UPDATE – This show will be performed again at the Long Island Doctor Who Convention on Saturday, November 9th, at 9:30PM EST.
Details here.
PMRP on the guest list.
Episode 5 was delayed slightly due to this live show we put on at Arisia 2011:

Written, directed and special-effected by lil old Whovian me (Alicia E. Goranson), with awesome audio programming and soundtrack by Neil Marsh, this was our blurb:
Suffering Shoggoths! The Roaring Twenties have just begun! Flappers! Gin joints! Deep Ones? The Doctor joins forces with H.P. Lovecraft to investigate attacks in Boston by monstrous entities, and the eccentric Professor Whiteman who appears to be behind it all! What is the secret of the Professor’s amazing chair that can seemingly cure the insane? What is “Miskatonic University”? What will happen to the world when C’thulhu rises?
Presented by The Post-Meridian Radio Players, the cast included:
Andy Hicks as The Doctor (go check out his fantastic musical 2010!)
Alyssa Osiecki as Violet Brooks
Andy Lebrun as H. P. Lovecraft (yes, that’s our Leonard Allen!)
and Special Guest Star Ron Lacy as Nyar la’Hotep
Tom Champion, Mindy Klenoff, Michael McAfee and Brad Smith
The Boston Phoenix enjoyed it:
Friday night, I attended Dr. Who: The Starship of Madness, a live radio play by the Post-Meridian Radio Players about H.P. Lovecraft meeting Dr. Who. The rest of the characters were original — as far as I know — and the whole thing was hilarious. I’m a pretty casual Dr. Who fan, but I still got all of the jokes, and the Lovecraft interludes were a nice touch.
Also ToasterLabs enjoyed it as well:
…for those in the Boston area, The Post-Meridian radio players are putting on two performances of their radio play The Starship of Madness, March 25th and 26th. I saw this group at Arisia and they were incredible, very talented. I highly recommend you go. How can you beat seeing a live Doctor Who radio story!?
We had two additional performances of this show on Friday March 25th at 8:00pm and Saturday March 26th at 3:00pm.
Urban Promise Church, 52 Russell St, Somerville, MA 02144 (across from the Domino’s by Davis Square)